Category Image The Middle?

There's a new program being run in Episcopal Parishes around the country. In some cases, it is the first Adult Education program that has been offered at these parishes in a long time. That's a good thing, right?

Well, it seems like a good idea. The program, however, is concerning. Like the organization, the program has the name "Via Media" , a reference to the Elizabethan compromise which attempted to steer Anglicanism down a middle road between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Unfortunately, this new Via Media isn't really about a middle-road at all. The people behind Via Media, and this program in particular, are from what used to be considered the far left of the Episcopal Church. For instance, Susan Russell, who is the executive directory of "Claiming the Blessing" , an organization whose goal is to promote same-sex blessings and full inclusion of active gays and lesbians in all orders of priesthood and aspects of Church life, and Michael Hopkins, former president of Integrity , the well known gay and lesbian lobby of the ECUSA. The rest of the list pretty much rounds out the usual suspects, including several people associated with "The Witness", a progressive religious publication, with folks like Barbara Harris and John Chane on the Board of Directors.

Now this agenda, decidedly not in what was the mainstream of the Episcopal Church (leaving aside what is mainstream Anglican) the last time I was there, is being marketed to well meaning Episcopalians as Via Media - the middle way. 25 dioceses are currently using this program, now. It pains me to know that there are many good, decent folk being led astray by this. Whatever happened to truth in advertising?

Posted: Wednesday - February 07, 2007 at 09:24 PM          
