Category Image  Going Off the Deep End

 So I took my second toe dip into the waters of a car free (or the best we'll ever do, which is a car reduced) lifestyle.  We are making a dish with Tomatillos this week, and I needed some hangers for putting up Icons.  The Tomatillos are available at a grocery store close to the Barrio (in downtown Carlsbad), right next door to the hardware store.  Typically I would simply drive over there during the day.  I wouldn't normally do my full grocery shopping at the store in question.

So, what I did instead is that on my normal ride to La Costa I went a little bit further (about a mile altogether) and stopped at the hardware store and grocery store.  Not a big deal, but a little step.

(update:  I forgot to get something at the store yesterday, so Catherine and I rode up today.  A total of 4 miles not driven by car!)

Posted: Saturday - May 24, 2008 at 06:36 PM          
