Category Image A Little Truth

I recently saw a couple of Anglican blogs extolling the virtues of the Joshua Project. This surprised me as these blogs are usually of the vein that they consider themselves just like Rome, or just like the Orthodox.

The Joshua Project, like the Greater European Mission , and probably other groups, maintain maps of the world where they assess to what degree the Gospel has penetrated the various countries. If you read the sites closely, you'll notice that traditionally Orthodox countries are listed as being largely non-converted. The reason is that these countries are not Evangelical. That is, the Christians in these countries do not hold to the erroneous views of the Protestant Reformation in general, and the 19th century Evangelical movement in particular.

You will find some wonderful gems on these sites:

"Pray that the Serbs would become dissatisfied with the rules of Orthodox religion and would instead seek a relationship with their Savior, Jesus Christ. "

You'll also find this gem on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There, they state that although >95% of the Awngi people are Christian, less than 1% believe in Jesus as God and Only Savior because, "In Ethiopian Orthodox theology, there are other possible saviors in addition to Jesus." Of course this is completely incorrect, but it may reflect the fact that the Orthodox view of salvation is quite different from that of the Evangelical.

Really, I'm rather pleased at these sites. Let's be honest. Orthodoxy, the faith of the early Church, is not at all like Evangelicalism. I'm glad they admit it. I'm willing to admit it, too.

Posted: Tuesday - February 05, 2008 at 11:49 PM          
