Category Image Heresy oh Heresy

Our local Christian radio station plays the usual set of evangelical preachers, many of whom wander into rank heresy on a fairly frequent basis. The worst is generally John MacArthur, a rather egocentric gentleman who fancies himself some sort of infallible conduit to God (he once stated that because he didn't want to leave his financially successful, coastal California position for a position somewhere out in the desert, it was obvious that God didn't want him to either. His argument being that since he was a Christian, his "feelings" were effectively driven by the Holy Spirit. It never occurred to him that perhaps he was being a bit carnal!).

At any rate, the other day, I was able to listen to Charles Stanley. He had two points, one was that since we are going to rule with Christ some day, that perhaps, if God has created hundreds of thousands of planets He might put us in charge of one (golly, isn't that what Joseph Smith taught?). Then, in order to become a Christian, we needed to merely recite the sinners prayer. Just ignore the rest of the New Testament on that subject (and the early Church). So, let me see, if we simply recite the sinners prayer, we get a planet to rule? And I thought Irenaeus had a bunch of kooks to deal with.

Posted: Sunday - April 20, 2003 at 12:44 PM          
