All Right Get to Work

Providence is a funny thing, if you're not prone to whining. Unfortunately, I'm prone to whining. At any rate, I had set out with great intentions when I got home from the hospital, but haven't done terribly well in losing weight or getting in shape. So the other day, God decided to remind me. I received an e-mail update from the OIF conference . Not from Claudia, mind you, but from the folks running the conference. There was a big write up on the be fit aspect of the conference and the need to manager our weight and stay in shape. Then later that day while driving down to PT I put on some podcasts of an Orthodox radio program I like to listen to, and ended up listening to a program about fasting and dieting. The upshot of the program was that fasting is not about limiting certain sorts of foods (which is what you do, but not what the focus is) but rather about controlling the passions and the tendency toward gluttony.

Okay, I think I get the point. Now if I would only cooperate.

Posted: Saturday - July 22, 2006 at 04:37 PM          
