Islamic Revisionism

So the Pope now finds himself in trouble with the usual muslim hordes around the world who like to protest and burn things. Unfortunately, they also are getting support from several governments on this one. The point seems to be a quote from a conversation between the Byzantine Emperor and a Persian scholar. "The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," the pope said. "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."'

So now everyone is accusing him of having a crusade mentality, etc. etc. However, what exactly did he say that was wrong? Surely as a Christian one cannot legitimately believe that Mohammed's new teachings are valid? I mean, if you believe that then you are worshiping a man (Jesus), as opposed to a God-man. That makes you an idolator, or if you do not worship him, then you are not a Christian. So I can't see a problem there. However, I think what is happening here is that they don't like the accusation that Islam is a religion of violence, intended to be spread by violent means. However, that is precisely what it has always been. Mohammed's quote, "I was commanded to make war until all men say there is no God but Allah", has been echoed by others - most recently none other than bin Laden. There may, in fact, be a new form of Islam that has severed itself from its roots and seeks to be peaceful. In which case it is no different than forms of Christianity espoused by groups like the UCC, that seek to eliminate the historic teachings of the faith. If God is really the source of Islam, then by what right do modern politicians have to change it? If it isn't from God (which I would contend), then its a false system and nobody should be getting worked up by opinions about it.

Posted: Friday - September 15, 2006 at 07:28 AM          
