Friday - January 23, 2009

 Its Safer to Be A Terrorist in Afghanistan than a Baby


Posted at 07:37 AM     Read More    

Sunday - January 18, 2009

 Presidential Proclamation


Posted at 08:36 AM     Read More    

Saturday - November 08, 2008

 Preparing for the Let Down

 Perhaps we'll all be better off in four years, and there won't have been that much of a letdown, but I have my doubts. 

Posted at 12:13 PM     Read More    

Friday - October 17, 2008

 Once More - Obama's Position on the Unborn UPDATED


Posted at 03:54 PM     Read More    

Thursday - October 16, 2008

 Causes of the Current Crisis

 We need to worry about how we got here, so we can avoid doing it again in the future.

Posted at 01:32 PM     Read More    

Thursday - October 16, 2008

The Influence of Those We Surround Ourselves With

 If I'm a politician, or involved in political activities, the activities and people I hang around with will absolutely reflect my beliefs.  Perfectly? No, of course not.  But you cannot look at the hatred of America displayed by Ayers and Wright, and not realize that Obama must share some of those beliefs.

Posted at 12:41 PM     Read More    

Wednesday - August 27, 2008

 If You Don't Like History, Rewrite It

 Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempts (and fails) to rewrite Church History by claiming that there has been historic controversy over the view on abortion. 

Posted at 08:16 AM     Read More    

Monday - August 25, 2008

I'm Voting for the Dog

 Dog rescues baby left to die.  What would Barack's opinion of the matter be?

Posted at 09:06 AM     Read More    

Saturday - August 23, 2008

There is No Way You Can Vote for Him 

 What is particularly disconcerting about Obama, goes beyond simply his pro-abortion stance.  Its his incredibly cavalier attitude toward babies.

Posted at 06:34 PM     Read More    

Thursday - March 06, 2008

 Is the Problem Too Much Regulation?


Posted at 07:08 PM     Read More    

Thursday - March 06, 2008

 A Call for More Regulation

 In response to several deaths associated with adulterated Heparin, there are and will be, calls for more regulation to solve the problem.  However, there are plenty of laws and regulations in place.  What is necessary is for the responsible party to be held responsible.

Posted at 10:17 AM     Read More    

Friday - February 29, 2008

 Original Thought?


Posted at 01:18 PM     Read More    

Thursday - February 28, 2008

 Single Payer Healthcare - Grand idea

As pointed out in this video, once that happens, where can we go when we actually need high quality care?  Canadians come to the U.S.  Fidel Castro got to travel to Europe.  For most of us, that would be too expensive.

Posted at 02:24 PM     Read More    

Friday - February 22, 2008

Why Kosovo Matters to Serbia


Posted at 09:44 AM     Read More    

Thursday - February 21, 2008

A Speech on Kosovo

I stand before you this afternoon as a proud European, and as an ashamed European.

Proud because my heritage, my culture, my beliefs, and my history bind me to a constellation of nations that, at the onset of the 21st century, reconciled themselves, and created something so magnificent that one could say: ‘there has truly never been anything else like it in the history of the world.’

...That was his vision of Europe, and Jean Monet’s vision of Europe, and Konrad Adenauer’s vision of Europe.... For the peoples of Europe, between whom rivers of blood have flowed without mercy, chose to end the feuds of a thousand years. And they sought to eliminate from their shores a zero-sum approach to the conduct of regional politics.

...How could I not, until just a few days ago, without the faintest shadow of a doubt, support the aspirations of my country to join the European Union, and therefore welcome the EU’s commitment to the incorporation of Serbia and all the Western Balkans within its welcoming boundaries?

...That is what some European Union countries have done to the Republic of Serbia, to a small, peace-loving, democratic country in Europe, a founding member of the United Nations, an original signatory to the Helsinki Final Act, and a pillar of stability in Southeast Europe.

...This is what the governments of some of your countries have done by recognizing the unilateral, illegal and illegitimate declaration of independence of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo and Metohija.

I am ashamed not as a Serb—for in the negotiating process on the future status of our province of Kosovo, we did nothing but demonstrate good faith and understanding for the legitimate rights of the other side. In fact, since the democratic overthrow of the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in October 2000, we have done almost everything right.

...As someone who knows in his heart that what has been done to Serbia is a fundamental violation of the very nature of not just the international system, but of the values that hold up the European construction.

I am ashamed, because if recognizing this act of ethnically-motivated secession from a democratic, European state is not wrong, then nothing is wrong.

I am ashamed, because I see how the bedrock of values that make us who we are is being trampled underfoot. Because I see how my fellow Europeans are trying to construct the future on a foundation of sand and rubble.

And I am ashamed, because for all the talk about reason and Enlightenment, for all the pious declinations on the common good and solidarity, Europe is rapidly becoming just another place where might makes right.

...The institution with primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security is, according to the United Nations Charter, the Security Council. And, in 1999, following the 78-day bombing of my country, it adopted a resolution—still operative today—that conferred upon the UN the authority to administer Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo, and explicitly and unambiguously reaffirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of my country.

...It placed a Chapter VII obligation—a binding obligation—on all the member-states of the United Nations to respect the borders of my country.

And now, when Serbia is a democracy, some European nations are prepared to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. They say, in effect, we did not punish the tyrant, but now we will punish a democracy—a European democracy—and we expect its citizens to take it.

They say Kosovo can be independent, while saying that 1244 in its entirety still applies, including, presumably, that part that reaffirms Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo. And they send an EU-led mission to our province without the approval of the Security Council, even though paragraphs 5 and 19 of 1244 make it abundantly clear that only the Security Council can do that.

And yesterday, at an emergency session of the Permanent Council, no European ambassador could explain to anyone with any degree of reason why what is being done to Serbia is not a violation of the core principles of the Helsinki Final Act.

They could not explain to me why what they are doing is not setting a dangerous, precedent that will create very troubling consequences to the stability of Europe and the whole world.

Recognizing the unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence from Serbia legitimizes the doctrine of imposing solutions to ethnic conflicts.

...By the actions of some European Union member-states, every would-be ethnic or religious separatist across Europe and around the world has been provided with a tool kit on how to achieve recognition. Does anyone in this room think that the Kosovo Albanians are the only group in the world with a grievance against their capital?

Do any of you honestly think that just by saying that Kosovo is sui generis, you will make it so? That there will be no consequences to the stability and security of the international system, just because you say it won’t?

...Notwithstanding everything I have witnessed and all that my country has gone through, I have not lost faith in Europe, even though I am ashamed by the actions of some within it.

I have not lost faith in Europe because I still hold out a measure of hope that Europe will live up to its values; that Europe will pause for a moment and recall the principles that drive its own decision-making in Brussels and Strasbourg.... That’s how it works: by engaging in a process of deliberate, patient, and sustained, good-faith negotiations until a compromise is struck that all stakeholders can abide by.

In the case of Kosovo’s future status, only a solution that is acceptable to the sides can be viable, sustainable, and lasting.

Only a negotiated solution can pave the way towards a common, European future.

Only such a solution can consolidate the regional gains made, reinforce the geo-strategic priorities achieved, and restore the drive for change in Southeast Europe.

...It sets back the achievements of European visionaries in our region; it uncouples the Western Balkans from its future in Europe; and it fosters a view throughout the region that Europe is in the business of imposing outcomes.

...And uncertainty over the fate of our holy sites—the central element of our national identity.

...But also for what it can harm: the dreams of a proud, democratic, European country that has surmounted more obstacles since October 2000 than most other nations have in a hundred years.

I assure you, with the fortitude of a unified nation, Serbia will not go quietly.

...The Republic of Serbia shall not tolerate this illegal act of secession. Our Government and National Assembly have declared this action by the authorities in Pristina null and void. And we shall undertake all diplomatic and political measures designed to impede and reverse this direct and unprovoked attack on our sovereignty.

As a responsible member of the international community committed to the peaceful and negotiated resolution of disputes, the Republic of Serbia will not resort to the use of force.

Posted at 10:25 AM     Read More    

Tuesday - January 22, 2008

A Proclamation

America has given a great gift to the world, a gift that drew upon the accumulated wisdom derived from centuries of experiments in self-government, a gift that has irrevocably changed humanity's future. Our gift is twofold: the declaration, as a cardinal principle of all just law, of the God-given, unalienable rights possessed by every human being; and the example of our determination to secure those rights and to defend them against every challenge through the generations.

...In the 15 years since the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, however, America's unborn have been denied their right to life. Among the tragic and unspeakable results in the past decade and a half have been the loss of life of 22 million infants before birth; the pressure and anguish of countless women and girls who are driven to abortion; and a cheapening of our respect for the human person and the sanctity of human life.

...We are told that we may not "impose our morality'' on those who wish to allow or participate in the taking of the life of infants before birth; yet no one calls it "imposing morality" to prohibit the taking of life after people are born. We are told as well that there exists a "right" to end the lives of unborn children; yet no one can explain how such a right can exist in stark contradiction of each person's fundamental right to life.

...The unalienable right to life is found not only in the Declaration of Independence but also in the Constitution that every President is sworn to preserve, protect, and defend.

...All medical and scientific evidence increasingly affirms that children before birth share all the basic attributes of human personality -- that they in fact are persons.

...This sacred legacy, and the well-being and the future of our country, demand that protection of the innocents must be guaranteed and that the personhood of the unborn be declared and defended throughout our land. In legislation introduced at my request in the First Session of the 100th Congress, I have asked the Legislative branch to declare the "humanity of the unborn child and the compelling interest of the several states to protect the life of each person before birth."

...NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death, and I do proclaim, ordain, and declare that I will take care that the Constitution and laws of the United States are faithfully executed for the protection of America's unborn children.... I call upon the citizens of this blessed land to gather on that day in their homes and places of worship to give thanks for the gift of life they enjoy and to reaffirm their commitment to the dignity of every human being and the sanctity of every human life.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.

Posted at 12:57 PM     Read More    

Thursday - October 25, 2007

Alarmist Fire Reporting

For those who haven't been watching news lately, there have been massive fires throughout Southern California (still are) this past week. Fortunately, there has been some really solid local reporting from TV (we watched a lot of KNSD, the local NBC affiliate), Radio, and print/internet.

...On Monday of this week, I went over to the Fox News website, and was hit by a huge picture of a fire and some alarmist phrase, like San Diego burning to the ground or some such.... To be sure, the fires are bad - perhaps the worst in the history of the county (in total property losses, perhaps not, for which everyone is thankful), and very scary.... Perhaps if they had sent one of their journalists here to write some real stories, they could have had good site traffic without the need for the doom and gloom.

...I saw that and thought that the firefighters were going to just let the fire burn the county to the ground. The real story was that the thousands of firefighters were retreating where the fire was too intense, attempting to save structures, building fire breaks, etc. etc. Standard procedure for a firestorm. There are places where you have to let it go, because there is nothing you can do directly against the flames, but I wouldn't describe it as all but giving up.

Finally, to continue the misinformation, we have this headline: "Hunt for Firebug: Bounty offered for information leading to arrest of suspects responsible for setting historic Southern California wildfires."... When you click over to the story, you see the dateline of "San Diego", but the story is about a suspected arsonist in a 20,000 acre fire in Orange County. For sure a big fire, but not quite the scale of the 200,000 acre fire - which, again, is the "Historic" fire.

...After all, the roots of journalism lie in the rags of the late 19th and early 20th century.

Posted at 09:54 AM     Read More    

Wednesday - May 30, 2007

The Dumbing Down of America


Posted at 01:17 PM     Read More    

Wednesday - May 30, 2007

Speaking of Moore

I recently read this article about Moore's previous work of fiction, Bowling for Columbine.... Moore is really having fun at the expense of the liberal elite of the world.

Posted at 12:58 PM     Read More    

Wednesday - May 30, 2007


His argument that Socialism must lead to totalitarianism has been shown to be true time and again.... First he returned oil to state control, then he received broad powers from Venezuelan Assembly, which made him virtual emperor, and now he is shutting down opposition TV stations . Next, you can expect the disappearance of opposition leaders, followed by the suppression of religion.

...Of course, they'll be connected, so as is the case in all totalitarian regimes, they will have nothing to worry about.

...On a recent appearance that I made on MSNBC's Hardball which was being guest hosted by Norah O' Donnell, she introduced me as someone who has been photographed with "dictator" Hugo Chavez. After the introduction and in a very short subsequent break, I looked at her and said: "You know President Chavez is not a dictator.

...To which she replied: "We had a big discussion about that and we decided that he ruled like a dictator." That statement really shocked, yet irritated me, because I can't believe that MSNBC and Norah O'Donnell would perpetuate the myth that President Chavez is a dictator and mislead and misinform their viewers, because contrary to facts, they "decided that he ruled like a dictator."

Posted at 12:47 PM     Read More    
