The Media Just Keeps on FailingI think I've said it before, but we need to
really question why any of us really expects journalists to be of much value.
In 2004, the Chicago Tribune actually did a useful piece , exposing the activities of the Muslim
Brotherhood, a group focused on establishing Islamic governments the world over,
but it has largely gone unnoticed. Instead, our journalists continue serving as
apologists for Islam.
I proposed to a friend that part of the problem is that as a society we have adopted an attitude that we can criticize our own, but not others. Since a great number of journalists consider themselves Christian, even though the last time they were in a church was at whatever wedding they attended last June. So, that allows them to criticize Christians, which they really aren't, but apparently prevents them from criticizing Muslims. Posted: Tuesday - September 19, 2006 at 09:46 PM |
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