What Would I Do with $53MM?

That is the question raised over the significant bonus paid out to the CEO of Goldman Sachs. Others in the firm will be getting bonuses closer to $100MM, for what is, by any reasonable measure, a year of stellar performance for the firm. I began to think about how nice it would be to receive a bonus of that size. You know, in that way that we do, sort of begrudging the individuals a bit. I mean, can you just spot me a couple of mil? Part of this thought process also figures in the feeling, completely unjustified as I know nothing of the people in question, that they wouldn't spend it as "well" as I would - being that I'm so morally superior to them.

You know, I would give 10 million to this charity, 10 million to that, etc., etc. It would all look really good, and I would comfortably keep probably about 10 million. And I wouldn't feel at all guilty about it, and, in fact, probably bask in the accolades of those around me for my philanthropic spirit. Therein lies the problem. I don't really need ten million dollars. I would very likely change my lifestyle. Buy a nice sports car and a beach house somewhere. And keep basking in the accolades. Oh sure, I might resist the urge to have my name put on a building somewhere, but that wouldn't change much about my attitude. Then I'm reminded of the story of the widow's mite , and realize how much that would apply to me - and frankly does now. I see people who are filthy rich, and am a bit jealous, really. I'm not motivated by the desire to do good, but rather to increase my abundance. I want more money, not because I don't have enough, but because I want to spend more (and already do, which is another story).

No, its a good thing that I don't have to really face the question of what would I do. Because I don't think I like the answer. What I would do with 53 million dollars, is probably be jealous of those who got the $100MM bonus. Then, if I received the $100MM bonus, I'd have to find something else to be jealous about.

Posted: Wednesday - December 20, 2006 at 08:38 AM          
