Why We Are Doing This
For a long time it has been obvious
that the Episcopal Church, by and large, believes things not only other than
what I believe, but often in direct contradiction. This is in reference to all
of the usual suspects, a disbelief in the Bible, dismissal of traditional
Christian views on morality, etc. This has been going on for a while, and I was
willing to stay and fight the fight.... However, the Lord placed along the way,
people who were willing to raise some critical questions about what I was
willing to do to fight the
...I can only
agree to the statement of faith that the AAC requires you to agree to if I sort
of close my eyes and plug my nose.... This supposed AngloCatholic group I left
several years ago over frustration that they seemed to be a two issue group....
So I went to return only to discover that they now only really needed you to
support two sacraments (per the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral). Agreeing to the
statement, however means that you are tacitly approving of people who think
there are only two
problem is that I don't believe much of what they do, any more than I believe
much of what the rest of the Episcopal Church
...As I reflected,
I realized that I don't agree with most of the Angican Communion on these key
issues, and many more.... I would be in another room somewhere on the campus
teaching about Confession, or fasting, about the need to be alive in Christ
(therefore in his Church) and grow or that we would end up not being one of the
wheat when things are sorted out at the end. And I know that in that other room
the group would be taught that they just needed to say the sinner's prayer, and
they would be saved for all
...I reflected
on issues we've faced as a parish over the last several years and realized that
there was a large contingent of folks who don't seem to believe much, just that
they want things to be the way they were when they were growing
...I would stay and
fight and maybe the day would come that Anglicanism would return to its
roots.... However, I realized that the day would likely come, and relatively
soon, that my children would ask why it is we don't believe the same things as
the bishops we're called to obey.
It's at times challenging to discuss our reasons
for leaving the ECUSA. Yes, we haven't left yet, but its the likely outcome.
People ask me what led us to the decision, and I have an answer - usually
several. However, I always feel that I come off a bit
acrimonious.The most common reaction
people have is that I must be leaving in response to the departure of both St. Anne's in
Oceanside from the Episcopal Church , and Christ the King in Alpine . There is a certain
amount of truth to that, especially St. Anne's, but for reasons other than you
might guess. For a long time it has been obvious that the Episcopal Church, by
and large, believes things not only other than what I believe, but often in
direct contradiction. This is in reference to all of the usual suspects, a
disbelief in the Bible, dismissal of traditional Christian views on morality,
etc. This has been going on for a while, and I was willing to stay and fight
the fight. Keep on teaching an Orthodox/Catholic style of Anglicanism.
However, the Lord placed along the way, people who were willing to raise some
critical questions about what I was willing to do to fight the
fight.I found myself a member of the
Anglican Council for quite a while, buying off on the notion that at
least we agree on some things. But then I began to think that no, I can't
support women's ordination, I can't really support evangelicalism. I can only
agree to the statement of faith that the AAC requires you to agree to if I sort
of close my eyes and plug my nose. So, I left that organization, and decided to
support Forward in Faith again. This supposed
AngloCatholic group I left several years ago over frustration that they seemed
to be a two issue group. The issue was not women's ordination, nor morality,
but in fact the Catholic Faith. If you adhere to that, including all that comes
with it, peripheral issues like who can be a priest are effectively decided
already. So I went to return only to discover that they now only really needed
you to support two sacraments (per the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral). Agreeing
to the statement, however means that you are tacitly approving of people who
think there are only two sacraments. Holy Orders, Marriage, Unction,
Confession, and Confirmation are no longer considered important. That's not
AngloCatholic. That's ecumenical hogwash. But I joined anyways - intent on
remaining blind to where I was at.So
what St. Anne's did for me is that they made me realize something important. At
first, when they left, after Christ the King, I realized that the whole thing is
coming apart at the seams. However, as I reflected on St. Anne's departure, the
thing that struck me was that I simply didn't care. Can you imagine? A
"biblically orthodox" parish leaves the Episcopal Church and I don't care. The
problem is that I don't believe much of what they do, any more than I believe
much of what the rest of the Episcopal Church does. I don't believe in the
Bible alone. I don't believe in Faith alone. I believe in Baptismal
regeneration. I believe in the real presence. I believe that we are saved
through the Church. St. Anne's wouldn't agree with me on any of these I'm
willing to bet. These are all serious, fundamental issues. I realized that I
lacked intellectual integrity when I pretended that I was mostly like these
people.As I reflected, I realized that
I don't agree with most of the Angican Communion on these key issues, and many
more. I then looked around at my own "AngloCatholic" parish which for two years
had done Lenten programs based on popular non-denominational works. I got to
listen to Rick Warren proclaim that it doesn't matter how you worship. I
listened to John Ortberg proclaim sleep as a spiritual discipline. Then I knew
that this year we would be doing the Alpha program. I would be in another room
somewhere on the campus teaching about Confession, or fasting, about the need to
be alive in Christ (therefore in his Church) and grow or that we would end up
not being one of the wheat when things are sorted out at the end. And I know
that in that other room the group would be taught that they just needed to say
the sinner's prayer, and they would be saved for all eternity. Not only is that
belief wrong, it is outrageously
dangerous.I reflected on issues we've
faced as a parish over the last several years and realized that there was a
large contingent of folks who don't seem to believe much, just that they want
things to be the way they were when they were growing up. So now we have a
Church made up of "conservatives" and evangelicals, and I began to wonder where
the AngloCatholics had gone. Surely there are some left, but many have gone to
other places. Rome. Constantinople,
mostly.So then I had to ask, am I
really Anglican anymore. Maybe there was a time 1,000 years ago, when I would
have been a good Anglican. Back when Anglicanism was Orthodox. When the
faithful worshiped God in Church because it was important to do so. When nobody
questioned whether or not Jesus was truly present in the unbloody sacrifice of
the altar. When everyone knew that baptism saved you. But realistically, not
in the Church that arose from the rubble of the reformation. No, I'm not really
that at all.So finally I realized that
maybe if it was just me, I would fight. I would stay and fight and maybe the
day would come that Anglicanism would return to its roots. Not the roots of
Peter Toon, but the real roots of the Church. However, I realized that the day
would likely come, and relatively soon, that my children would ask why it is we
don't believe the same things as the bishops we're called to obey. Why we don't
believe the same things most everyone else at Church believes. I would have to
answer, "because Dad is right and they're wrong." And we all know that every
teenager in existence will agree with that, don't
we.So I've left some stuff out,
because I do know this is a blog, and so it could be read by anyone. The
theological chasm which divides Orthodoxy from the ECUSA is vast, so there is
more I can say, but won't. If anyone has questions, they can e-mail, and I
would be glad to discuss things further.
Posted: Tue - March 7, 2006 at 10:33 PM
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Published On: Dec 28, 2006 09:23 AM