Thu - January 4, 2007


Posted at 11:12 PM     Read More  

Sat - July 1, 2006

A Final Entry

Kallistos Ware, who himself converted to Orthodoxy a number of years ago. I find his first response very much reflects my own "struggles" with remaining in Anglicanism.

Soon I'll create a section just for Orthodoxy, so I can jot some reflections as I spend the next many years getting deep into the mind of the Fathers, the phronema of the Church.

Posted at 06:05 PM     Read More  

Sun - May 7, 2006

A Different Religion

Even though many people in Orthodoxy are cultural Christians, just like I was used to in the Episcopal Church, many of the people, clergy, that I have met in Orthodoxy really believe this stuff.

...Even amongst the AngloCatholics, I'm not used to finding people that, by and large, actually believe what they claim to believe. However, when I attend the Divine Liturgy with Fr. Phillips, after 50 + years as a priest, you truly understand that he believes what he preaches, what he worships.... I've heard some sermons from other Orthodox Priests - and it seems like the same.

Posted at 10:30 PM     Read More  

Sat - March 25, 2006

Its Not About Me, its About Us, or Actually Me and Us

I've had several conversations over the last couple of weeks with different people on some different subjects, so I'll relate some of them here and make a weak attempt at synthesizing all of this.

...I know and have known many Muslims over time, but most of them, quite frankly, were the equivalent of C & E (Christmas and Easter) Christians, so its sort of hard to take them seriously. At any rate, I mentioned that in Orthodoxy, you had to be careful with fasting because if you are invited to someone's house during one of the fasts, and they offer you non-fasting food, you should accept so as not to offend and cause them to stumble.... At any rate, in Islam, you are required to fast because God is more important than the other person.... The man in Kabul facing execution is doing so because apparently he has insulted Allah, and Allah must need some sort of protection.... We are careful not to cause others to stumble, as it may impair their walk, and certainly doesn't help us. There are limits to this, as the case where if we help someone who has been sinning to not sin, then this is a good thing.

...Almost everyone phrased things in terms of the fact that they just ignore what is going on in the larger Church, and seek to maintain their own personal faith.

...So, finally, I was talking to a priest in the ECUSA earlier today, and he said a big barrier to his leaving is that he has been charged with being a pastor of souls.

...So Islam is confused in that they seem to think God needs things, and will harm others to give God what he needs.

Posted at 04:27 PM     Read More  

Sat - March 18, 2006

Women and the Priesthood

In fact, one of the great defenses against the various heretical sects - in particular the gnostic ones, who claimed to hold some secret knowledge that they had from the Apostles, was to point them to all of the Churches founded by the Apostles and point out that all of these Churches were teaching the same thing - and not this "secret" knowledge.... This wasn't the basis of why they were declared heretical - that basis was the various doctrines they held which were at odds with the Church, and their failure to be obedient to the Church itself.

...The assumption has become that the no women in the priesthood was merely the outcome of a misogynist culture amongst both the Jews, Greeks, etc. etc. Not to deny that there were, even amongst the Fathers at times, a view of women as weak and frail and generally not capable.... Chrysostom), because at the same time, if you get him started on the qualities of some of the various martyrs, virgins, etc. in the Church he portrays them in a different light.

...Wright handily addresses this), etc. He interestingly allows women to teach converts (Acts 18:26 ), and to have leadership roles amongst the laity, but he does not allow them to teach in Church (1 Tim.... This, of course is not true for certain protestant denominations, who, lacking the Tradition of the Church, figure it out on their own).

...Basically, though, skipping the starting point that John Paul II starts with - namely the Sermon on the Mount and the Creation account it points to, we can jump to Paul's explanation that the Church is the bride (female) to Christ (male).... That is how things work (in a general sense) in the marriage relationship, which reflect the way things work in the Church - the groom(Christ) transforms the flesh of the bride (the Church - and more particularly its members).... This leads, itself, to an entire discussion on the other major point of contention in the ECUSA, homosexuality and homosexual behavior.

...This is not accepted by many in the ECUSA, as Anglicanism in general, has drifted farther and farther away (beginning with the Reformation to be sure) from the historic faith. However, if you stick with Christianity as it has always been (for which you need to look toward Orthodoxy or perhaps Rome - although they have done their own drifting ever since the great schism), then you understand that the priest has a more significant job (that there is something significant about the Christian priesthood is hinted at in the NT, but not fully explored, as for instance in Jude 1:11 ).

...The fundamental problem is that protestantism in general, and Anglicanism in particular, has drifted away from the Historic Faith.

Posted at 10:52 AM     Read More  

Tue - March 7, 2006

Why We Are Doing This

For a long time it has been obvious that the Episcopal Church, by and large, believes things not only other than what I believe, but often in direct contradiction. This is in reference to all of the usual suspects, a disbelief in the Bible, dismissal of traditional Christian views on morality, etc. This has been going on for a while, and I was willing to stay and fight the fight.... However, the Lord placed along the way, people who were willing to raise some critical questions about what I was willing to do to fight the fight.

...I can only agree to the statement of faith that the AAC requires you to agree to if I sort of close my eyes and plug my nose.... This supposed AngloCatholic group I left several years ago over frustration that they seemed to be a two issue group.... So I went to return only to discover that they now only really needed you to support two sacraments (per the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral). Agreeing to the statement, however means that you are tacitly approving of people who think there are only two sacraments.

...The problem is that I don't believe much of what they do, any more than I believe much of what the rest of the Episcopal Church does.

...As I reflected, I realized that I don't agree with most of the Angican Communion on these key issues, and many more.... I would be in another room somewhere on the campus teaching about Confession, or fasting, about the need to be alive in Christ (therefore in his Church) and grow or that we would end up not being one of the wheat when things are sorted out at the end. And I know that in that other room the group would be taught that they just needed to say the sinner's prayer, and they would be saved for all eternity.

...I reflected on issues we've faced as a parish over the last several years and realized that there was a large contingent of folks who don't seem to believe much, just that they want things to be the way they were when they were growing up.

...I would stay and fight and maybe the day would come that Anglicanism would return to its roots.... However, I realized that the day would likely come, and relatively soon, that my children would ask why it is we don't believe the same things as the bishops we're called to obey.

Posted at 10:33 PM     Read More  

Information and Knowledge

Knowledge, on the other hand, speaks of organizing said information in such a way that you gain insights into the state of things, and can develop plans for moving forward.

...We've participated in Orthodox fasting, have Icons in our house, you name it, I've even attended various services (3 Divine liturgies in 2 jurisdictions, plus Vespers and the Sunday of Orthodoxy one year). But this week I finally made contact with the priest at our local Greek Orthodox Church and realized how much I really need to discuss with him.

...In other words, I have all of the information you could possibly want about Orthodoxy, but precious little knowledge.... Often they are not, and to their detriment and the detriment of others, IMO.

Posted at 12:44 PM     Read More  

Sun - February 26, 2006

The Antiochian

He's at a difficult place where he doesn't understand what is causing us to consider leaving the ECUSA, and yet he isn't patient enough to want hear it all.

...We are going to attempt to keep to an Orthodox fast during Western Lent this year, but it will be difficult. If you follow the entire Orthodox "program" you end up meatless for 8 weeks, and dairyless for the better part of 7 weeks.... Its a great spiritual discipline and since we in the West have relegated it to a once a year giving up of sweets, the "traditional" Christian fast seems too hard.

Posted at 02:11 PM     Read More  
