Of Femurs and Such

I'm going to see if can get e-copies of the x-ray from the doc (not likely), in which case I'll post them.

...Did lots of weight lifting to work on my arms, put ankle weights on my bad leg (the one I broke three years ago, to contrast it with my really bad leg that I broke a few days ago), and started working it hard, etc. I'm also working hard to keep my calorie intake seriously under my needed intake so that I can start shedding some pounds. As soon as I can (which won't be for a while, I do need to take the ramp up on my leg slowly), I'll get back on my trike and start working on that.

So a few days ago I broke my femur for the second time in 3 years. Different femur (the other has an awful lot of steel around it now). I'm going to see if can get e-copies of the x-ray from the doc (not likely), in which case I'll post them.

At any rate, I'm now in the worst condition from a mobility perspective that I've been since I was 15. Amazing what it takes to motivate you. So today was my first day home. Did lots of weight lifting to work on my arms, put ankle weights on my bad leg (the one I broke three years ago, to contrast it with my really bad leg that I broke a few days ago), and started working it hard, etc. I'm also working hard to keep my calorie intake seriously under my needed intake so that I can start shedding some pounds. As soon as I can (which won't be for a while, I do need to take the ramp up on my leg slowly), I'll get back on my trike and start working on that. The goal? Well, to get in shape so don't brake a femur by taking a bad step. However the goal to get me there is to ride a Century (100 mile ride). Don't quite know when, but we'll see.

Posted: Sun - May 21, 2006 at 09:36 PM        
