Tue - December 12, 2006Wed - November 22, 2006Sat - July 29, 2006Sat - July 22, 2006All Right Get to WorkAt any rate, I had set out with great
intentions when I got home from the hospital, but haven't done terribly well in
losing weight or getting in shape.... Then later that day while driving down to
PT I put on some podcasts of an Orthodox radio program I like to listen to, and
ended up listening to a program about fasting and dieting.
Posted at 04:37 PM Read More Traveling AboutClaudia, Andrew, and Lislott are in
Omaha at the OIF conference where Claudia has met a bunch of doctors and
gathered a lot of good information - especially for me now that I've started
fracturing again.
Posted at 04:23 PM Read More Fri - July 21, 2006Welcome to Our Kitchen - Care for a bite to eat?Now, even the New York Times has
questioned how dangerous mold is, but we couldn't get a plumber to open the dry
wall (which look like it had a square foot or so of are with some mildew on it)
for fear of leading to some major, world-ending, disaster.... Since we are
still going to do some type of remodel (probably bump out some walls and
reconfig the bedrooms as opposed to the second story which was fast approaching
$400K estimated cost) we will do the kitchen remodel at the same
...However, I think the whole remediation process has had more of an affect on the residents of this house than the mold ever will (sorry Catherine, just couldn't resist.) Well, at any rate, we just ordered a new range and will also get a matching dishwasher, convection/microwave, and ultimately a refrigerator, so things will look nice. Posted at 02:28 PM Read More Tue - June 13, 2006Sun - May 21, 2006Of Femurs and SuchI'm going to see if can get e-copies
of the x-ray from the doc (not likely), in which case I'll post
...Did lots of weight lifting to work on my arms, put ankle weights on my bad leg (the one I broke three years ago, to contrast it with my really bad leg that I broke a few days ago), and started working it hard, etc. I'm also working hard to keep my calorie intake seriously under my needed intake so that I can start shedding some pounds. As soon as I can (which won't be for a while, I do need to take the ramp up on my leg slowly), I'll get back on my trike and start working on that. Posted at 09:36 PM Read More Sat - March 25, 2006Just Had to ShareCatherine has added some walls to the
bottom level of the play structure I built almost 4 years ago, and they now have
clothes hanging out there, and are moving some other odds and ends out. With
all of the battles we seem to have with the kids about TV viewing, its always
fun to see them so engaged in some serious play fun (doesn't this sound like a
huge oxymoron?).
Posted at 04:31 PM Read More |
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